I remember my senior year in high school quite fondly. I was super excited about applying to colleges, and to be honest, I couldn't
wait to get out of the house and be "on my own". Of course, being "on my own" has a whole different definition now than it did then. (
What? What do you mean I have to pay for electricity and water? My four years in college will always be what I call four of the most defining years of my life. From roommates, I learned to be patient and compromising. From school, I learned to discipline myself when there was no one there to do it. From my friends, I learned that true friendship withstands the test of time and distance.
Jackie is in her senior year of high school, and is about to embark on one of life's greatest journeys (and seriously, in my opinion, a right of passage). I totally loved capturing this time in her life. She is full of energy and promise, and I wish the best for her in the coming years. Here are some of my faves from this session:
We were worried about the weather (which hasn't been so kind to us in SoCal), but WOW...it really turned around in the afternoon!
DUDE, check out that SKY! :o)
Thanks for an amazing session!