The last time I waited in a line after midnight for a movie opening night was back in college (circa 1998) for "Star Wars" and even then I fell asleep hehehe. Yes, I was a bit concerned about it, but once the previews started, the energy in the room really kept me awake. It was almost comical to hear the oooooh's and aaaah's over Edward and Jacob's hot bods. The movie itself struck me as a cleverly written formula designed to entice young and hormonal teenage girls...and it worked! OH NO! Am I a teenage girl? Hehehehe...I still recall the first scene in which Jacob takes his shirt off, revealing what looked like a good couple months of torture at the gym (which paid off of course hehe). For the remainder of the movie, I mocked that scene and the scenes to follow by exclaiming, "Take your shirt off!" at each chance I got. Yes ladies and gentlemen, I have become one of *those* people ;o) My overall rating? Movie: C, Acting: B-, Hot Bods: A++ :oD
Knowing I was going to be waiting what seemed like a short lifetime before we actually would get into the movie, I brought along my camera to document this intrigueing event :o)
Pork buns and Thai iced tea before the movie? Yes, please. ;o)

iphones and magazines...oh how they entertain us :o)

Fortunately, everyone else got in the line earlier and was able to save us some seats. We ended up just chillin' outside while people were frantically trying to get in line. I asked one of the movie theatre attendance to take our chillaxed picture :o)

It's 3 am when we get out of the movie...and I *had* to take a picture with the chipmunks! :oD Hehehe...

If you're expecting a cinematic masterpiece, do NOT go see this movie...but if you want to indulge in some good old fashioned CHEESE, then RUN *NOW* to this movie :o)
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